
Glass Pane Sorting and Buffering Station - ASG 165.S

The use of the glass pane sorting and buffering station eliminates the time-consuming search and retrieval of the suitable glass panes from the A-shaped frames. Three quarters of the time usually required can be saved.

Safe transport

Rubber-coated supporting drive rollers ensure trouble-free glass pane transport during the entire sorting and buffering process.

Automatic sorting and buffering process

The glass panes are taken by the operator, in the sequence of delivery, from the A-shaped frames and placed on the loading rack, from where the panes are automatically transferred to a movable transport rack. At the same time the glass panes are automatically scanned by a barcode reader. From that time every glass pane is identified. After their identification the glass panes are transferred to the buffering equipment. From now on the storage location of every glass pane is known. Another movable transport rack is used to retrieve the panes fully automatically from the buffer.

Integration into window manufacturing

The glass pane sorting and buffering station can be used to prepare the panes for the classic glazing after frame and sash have been fitted together or for an automated glass pane gluing station.

Selecting the suitable configuration

Thanks to a modular design it is possible to set up a station that meets the specific requirements of every customer with regard to production method and space available at the place of production.  The number of buffer compartments and the number of trolleys as well as unloading the panes are optional features. A rotating unit is another option that can be used for turning over glass panes of unequal thickness to rest on the required side.

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Latest modification: 10.07.2024